First Ever Teen Choice Dancer * Chloe Lukasiak.*

FeaturedFirst Ever Teen Choice Dancer * Chloe Lukasiak.*

Can I just say how terribly proud I am of Miss Chloe Lukasiak for winning the first ever Teen Choice Award for Choice Dancer.   I would if I could find he words to describe the joy I feel for her.  And as the trolls are wallowing around yelling we are celebrating because she beat Maddie, No; We are celebrating because a Fan Choice actually won the award.  We are celebrating because as Much as the Maddie fans don’t want to admit it Chloe is a beautiful dancer. That doesn’t take anything away from Maddie. It is just saying there are more than one kind of dancer in this world. I love Love love Sophia Lucia and could watch her dance all day long but Sophia is still a different kind of dancer from both Maddie and Chloe. Does that make her less of a dancer? No, It makes her an excellent different kind of dancer. Maddie is an excellent Different kind of dancer, Nia is an excellent different kind of dancer. Chloe’s style of dancing just happened to be a fan favorite for this award.

But the difference with Chloe is her own so called teacher Abby Lee Miller could not see her talent. She could not look at this girl on the stage and see her heart exposed for the world to see. Abby goes more for Shock value dancing than beauty.  Chloe radiates pure beauty in Motion on the stage. She does not need a gimmick one facial expression because her face and body show all the emotions raging through her as she dances.  She does not need shock value because she takes your breath away when she dances with pure graceful moves and beauty.  While Abby was busy tearing her down, her loving supportive parents were busy saying don’t believe the value others put on you create your own value. She has some great parents I Am telling you now. So supportive and protective of their girls.
Immediately the backlash of her winning started. Maddie deserved it because she is famous for Sia videos. Chloe has danced in Several American artist videos and she deserves it too.
Truthfully and I have to be completely honest here. I did not expect either girl to win over the adults in the category but then again it was Teen Choice.
People are saying Chloe had the pity vote. Get over your sore loser self. Who pities a girl who at the tender age of fourteen stands up against bullying and says no one defies who I am or what I can do. I will show the world I am not who they say I am.  Chloe set an example for all kids world wide who are being bullied or torn down not to believe what others say about you. Believe in who you know you are and what you can do and work your hardest to prove you can do it.  Abby Lee Miller screamed Chloe was washed up. Not only was she not washed up she now has her surf board to help make sure she never is. (get it? Washed up on the shore) Ok never mind I went off track there a minute.
They are saying she got the grandma’s of the worlds votes.  Again forget you. Thats right Dan thats cool,  Grandma’s don’t have the time it takes to be a fan of this magnitude. They are cruising and going to FLorida all winter setting new dinner times called Snow bird hours.I mean really 3:00 pm dinner times are so popular in Florida the food is stale if you go at 7:00.

OK the award is great and all but I would hand them that surf board back for one minute hug by Jason Durelo.  Really?  Girl is the luckiest winner there last night and the big smile he gave her with her last sentence just melted my heart even more in love with him.

I dont even think Chloe realizes how lucky she was at that moment because the entire world had just sat in their living rooms going Ahhhhh when this happened.

chloe ricky

Yes, that is right Chloe is Dating teen heart throb Ricky Garcia so my heart throb Jason  is safe around her.  This is the cutest moment on the entire award show making her even that much more loveable to the world. Chloe shows girls every where you can have a normal teen life and go to school, have a boyfriend and still live your dreams at the same time if your willing to put in the work.  Now as a follower of her since she was young I am not a fan of this boy sucking her breath away before she has to go on stage but she handled it like a pro. I am watching you Ricky. Treat her like a lady.
This girl walked across that stage and up and down steps like a pro model in those heels. Did you see those things? Firefighters could use them instead of ladders so they were so high. the entire time she was approaching the stage I held my breath (She does that a lot to me when she is near a stage) Please don’t trip , please don’t trip.  Shoot our girl walked that stage like she owned it and never blinked. Neither ankle ever wobbled and she owned that stage.
She was so graceful in thanking all her dance teachers and fans and then her last sentence should have gotten her a standing ovation.  Slap Slap Abby Lee did you feel that sting?  You said she could not do it. You said she was not good enough. You said she was washed up. You made fun of her looks. (Lord have mercy this girl is super beautiful)  Maybe you were wrong Abby. How sad is it the rest of the world could see the beauty in the student you threw away, Bullied and degraded on National TV, Meet and greets and every chance you got. Why? What were you afraid of to allow this girl to succeed?  your loss and thank you because I don’t believe she would have the same support if she were still in our clutches.

Chloe Lukasiak will go down in History as the first ever Teen Choice Choice dancer. No amount of bashing from anyone can ever take that away from her but this is just a baby step in her career. I know we will see so much more of this girl because she does not know the meaning of quitting. She is a survivor and she is an excellent role model to all young girls world wide.

She might not have won Candies Stylecon but she has more style in her little finger than those who bash a young girl. Is Chloe the best dancer out there of her age group? She is to her fans and that is all that matters. Is she likeable and can girls relate to her struggles. Most certainly she is. That is where Chloe beats out the others.She does not have an arrogant bone in her body. She does not expect to always be the winner or think she should be. She will admit someone danced better than her and won that time and she will just have to do better next time.  She has her head on her shoulders very soundly and When she tells you to stand up for yourself and not let bullies define who you are you can believe her. She is not a mean girl acting. She is a real girl telling you from her heart that you matter and you are worth the world to someone so never give up. Because Chloe sure wont.