The Dance Moms Fans War. The only thing that is real about this Show.

The Dance Moms Fans War. The only thing that is real about this Show.

This is my brutally honest opinion of the fan base of the show Dance Moms. It will likely be long and wordy so go to the bathroom and make yourself a snack before beginning. This is about the fan base wars of the show Dance Moms.

This is not something new that just started. It has gone on for a long time. Seems about season two people started attacking fans of each girl on the Lifetime TV Dance Moms Facebook group.  Then all these little side groups sprung up.  Dance Moms this, Dance Moms that, Most loyal fans of so and so, dedicated fans of so and so.  Good Lord does anyone have a job?

I am new to the scene. I kept hearing talk about these groups and wondered how on earth do grown adults behave like this. Surely people are making this stuff up. Honey let me tell you no one can make up this stuff. You will not believe the things I have seen.
I think originally people started calling the fans of Maddie Zeigler trolls. If you were a fan of her then you were a troll.  Because this small group of fans attacked people like rabid Dogs going for a steak.

OK some one call me this I am getting pissed off too.

You could not like anyone else on the show. It had to be Maddie only or you got attacked. Why?  Aren’t these groups supposed to be about talking about what you like and do not like.
Anyone have an account on Social Media? How many other people have your passwords and can go on your accounts and post as you? Non? I would hope not in all sincerity.   So recently an account was started and named the Circle. The trolls are fighting mad because the Circle Supported Chloe Lukasiak. And for some reason the trolls hate Chloe.  No good reason other than because she was not the one Lifetime chose to be the star of the show but she was the one with a dedicated fan base.  They say  Maddie has four million followers on Instagram. Yes, she does.  OK show of hands here. How many accounts are one person?
Since I started checking out these groups I have made some very nice relationships with some people. Yes they are online relationships. No, I likely will never meet these people in person. But for some reason some of them have decided to send me list of names.
All of these fifty accounts belong to Jane Doe. WHAT? Who has this kind of time. Do they bathe? Eat? Leave the computer to go to the bathroom? Or do they wear adult diapers to stay online to insult people non stop. Are they getting paid to do this?  Not just Maddie fans now. Lets be fair. These two sides fight like its the Civil War and they do not want to allow any one to have fans but their favorite.
First it was speculated when Chloe’s fan base started to grow and people were commenting on the Lifetime Dance Moms page that these people who were attacking her were employees trying to tear it down before it got started. Then it was the people so full of hate saying people only liked her because they felt sorry for her.  WRONG.   Then it was said they were lifetime employees and family members who were attacking fans to keep stirring up drama for ratings and draw in more people who had no lives and wanted to feast at the buffet of drama too.

Let’s put our thinking caps on here for a minute and be honest with your thoughts. Who do we all watch regularly who is an adult that attacks children for no reason other than because it is their nature to do so?  Who do we see pushing one child that they have said over and over is their favorite and only one they will make a star? Who do we see sitting on the phone every time a child is running its routine and their fingers are steadily flying on their phones? Who is making money off the one they want to be the favorite?  Gets my vote for sure as being a part of this madness. And her sidekicks too.
This show has turned into a cult like following. People are ignoring their homes and families to sit in MANY Groups day and night and fight over which kid is best.
All the people who follow the circle hate Maddie and bash her. Really?  I had to stop following Maddie simply because I could not stand to see the things HER fans were tweeting.   They accuse Chloe thanked the Circle for tweeting a video of Maddie with her flashing herself.  No, Chloe thanked the Circle for supporting her and what she stands for. The same as Maddie fans should be doing but they are to busy attacking anyone who supports any other girl. Not just Chloe but any other girl. Why? Have you ever been to a Broadway Production? Were your eyes open? Was there more than one person performing?  When have you ever watched a movie with one person only in it? I would not waste my time. That would be pretty boring. So why can there only be one fan base for this show?
But here is the kicker. One person who was a die hard Maddie fan suddenly jumps ship and allegedly makes an account calling themselves Kinky Boots. And a lot of us including yours truly were duped. We thought he was a Lifetime Employee because he said he was.  We took him at face value. It turned out to be a Maddie fan who jumped ship and now was all of a sudden a Chloe fan.  Well no one knew who was really behind the account until recently  And this one account convinced me it was time to end my voyage into the world of madness known as Dance Moms. Anyone connected or on this show I will no longer follow because I do not want to be associated with people who can dupe hundreds of other peoples and not feel one moment of remorse for it. And I do not believe for one second this was done to support Chloe.
Her is my gut feeling on it. One I am sure will get me attacked by many of the trolls and some of the circle as well. I feel like SOME of the trolls had to find a way to try to destroy the fan base that Chloe was building. What better way to do that than to infiltrate them and swear they jumped ship, changed sides, what ever the excuse was.  According to one of my sources the knew all the time who this person was behind the Kinky boots account. That many people knew who it was but yet they allowed cast members to get tied up and involved with this account. They allowed people to say they spoke the truth when in fact they were repeating what they had scooped from others and making some darn good guesses about other things they posted. But most of all they allowed the hundreds of followers who followed this account to believe this was a man behind this account who was a lifetime employee and not a grandma. That is right. It is an old woman who has no connection at all to the show.
Then allegedly this person who was the ship jumper got a bunch of others to support an account called the circle who tweeted support for Chloe. They were her Hero. They were going to protect her from all the bashing. There was a group of people who knew who ran the account and all of them supported it. But no one else knew. Then the account that was Kinky boots had a falling out with someone who knew who they really were and got exposed as having many many fake accounts.  I was sent a list of those names too.  Only some who sent the names left off names others submitted to me.
I was asked by several of these people to write a blog and expose these people and name all their accounts.  Well I can not do that. Why? Because I do not know if any of it is true.  I do not know if Jane Doe is really Bob Smith. She has never admitted it to me.
I have been told some of these people with multiple accounts actually get on social media and fight with themselves on these accounts to start drama or they will come in and support themselves on the same thread with six different accounts. I am sorry. You want to say people pity Chloe? No, I pity anyone who has chosen to live this kind of life.   They have to be a recluse with no human outside contact at all. If you have to talk to yourself on a computer with different fake accounts you do not need to pay to rent that computer from Dollar rents or where ever each month you need to be putting that money towards seeing someone to help you with this problem. Get off the computer and walk outside your door. There is a real world out there and people are living real lives. Talk to a neighbor and invite them over for coffee so you wont be so lonely.

Some one publishes an article about Maddie and you see the same people jump on attacking her. Same with Chloe she gets a write up and wham here come the Chloe haters attacking her.  My heavens did any of them ever have a child? Did they support that child or tear it down?
I started my social media experience because I was looking into people addicted to this little game called YoVille. Now there are some crazies there. These people also make multiple accounts to send themselves free gifts in the game and to send their people to work to make money to buy things for their main account they play. WHAT? Yes, people that world exist out there too.  And it is all on Social media. But that is for another blog. I often wonder who invented this theory of making fake accounts to help them play games with?  Did you know you can log into several different browsers on your computer by opening different windows for each and have several accounts on line at one time? Well call me technically challenged because I had no clue until one of my sources told me how they did it.

Mark Z might have thought he was making a social media site for people to connect with loved ones, families and friends but what he created was a hate factory.  Sure there are some who do use it for what it was meant for. They join groups for their High School alumni,  have family Genealogy groups, support groups for various illnesses, Rescue animal groups and then there are thousands of Dance Mom fans groups where most of the people are members of every single one of them. Some of these groups grow pretty big pretty fast. Well of course they do. The administrators have tons of accounts and add them all on the pages until their member ship grows and they sit on there talking to each other.  No, sorry to them selves.  Once the membership grows they slowly take off a few of their accounts. Someone joins they ease out one of their accounts. No one ever notices the change in the membership. Because they set these groups up as private or closed groups so you have to be approved to be a member. Let’s say Jane Doe is on Dance Moms living it up, Well Jane is dying to know what is being said in Dance Moms last dance so she makes a new account. Because some of these groups will not let you in one group if your in another. So a need has arisen for a new name. Jane Doe becomes Janet Doe and joins the other group. She might be so sweet and nice on one group and a total psycho on another. She might support Maddie with her last breath on one group but the other group is more of a Chloe fan group so she supports Chloe on that page all the time taking screen shots of what they say about Maddie and goes back to her original page and post it saying “A member sent me this. I just want you all to see why you should not join that group . They are terrible people bashing a child” No member sent her that. She posted it herself to get people joining in on the bash fest so she could go back and post it in the other group.  WHY?  In whose world does any of this make sense.

Now let me give you a real education.  At nine years old Maddie was an exceptional dancer for her age.  At 13 she is not as good as many  other 13 year old girls.  Maddie is a performer. She is an actor. She is not now nor will she ever be a prodigy dancer and I do not care how many fly by night magazine writers who never took a single dance lesson say she is.  She is not a tween sex symbol because some writer called her that. She is a child trying to build a career and break into show business. And what kind of pervert sits at their key board and types in that a twelve year old child is sexy. But her fans all drool with them and fall all over those kind of comments.  Do they know that is typecasting? Do we need another Brittany Spears or Miley Cyrus that badly we are willing to throw an innocent child into the ring to be it?
Chloe has good technique and is a graceful dancer.  She however has also given up on the dream of one day being a star dancer.  She is checking out other interest.
What do they both have in common? How about a dance teacher who screams she makes stars? Does she make them or snuff them out before they get a chance to shine?
Maddie has been in everything that comes down the pike. She is big news now. Chloe is going slow and easy trying to see just what it is she wants to do with her life. Is either method better than the other.  Does it matter? It is what works for them.
How many of these crazed fans that jumped on the bandwagon to fight for one side or the other will ever meet these girls? How will these girls on this shows future impact the fans life? Will it pay their bills? Put food on their table? Take care of their children while they are on the computer? No, it will not. So why be so invested in something that will not impact your life one way or the other. Do you think if tomorrow 500 people decided to draw a line in the sand and say I will stay on this side and you stay on that side and we all support the one we are a fan of it will change that girls life one way or the other? No, it wont.  If you delete all your multiple accounts and say Hello world this is me and I am a fan of Maddie Zeigler or Chloe Lukasiak you will change the outcome of the girls futures? You are a nobody to them. You are a number. And the reason I use the number 500 is because if you divide the number of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of fans by the number that actually is one person you might be shocked to learn there are only 500 or less real accounts of the people involved.
Yes, for many months I was sent list of names. This one is also so and so and all these other accounts.  How do you know this? I would ask. “Because they are my friend and they trust me and told me”  Well I guess you are not their friend if your sharing it with me and others so why do I trust that you are telling the truth to me? A new comer on the scene.
I do not know if the moms on this show are even aware of how many fake accounts are out there with their names on it joining these groups. Again I have been told this is someone else allegedly. I certainly hope it is because of few of these fake accounts have put information out there in these groups about other cast members I am not so sure I would want shared if I were them. Is it true? I doubt it. Does it make for Good drama? Remember the steak and rabid dogs? Enough said.
So here is my final thoughts. Its a great big world out there.  Full of opportunities for anyone who wants to work for them.  There are going to be things Maddie is perfect for and there are going to be things Chloe is perfect for. They are two different people with two different looks and make ups in the mannerisms that will make one perfect for a part and the other not. Then there will be roles only Nia or Asia could possibly play. Do we hate them because the fit  a role? Do we hate any child because they have a dream and go after it.
Granted most people do not care for ANY adult on this show. That is a given. So if you want to attack and tear someone down start there. Leave the kids out of it.
You can not hate Maddie because Abby is obsessed with her. You can not hate Maddie because Melissa allowed her to do work you do not approve of. You can not hate Chloe because you hate her mother. You can not hate Chloe because her mother is outspoken. If you do you are the one with the problems. Not any of the real players. I am sick to death of seeing people tear down one or the others looks. To the point that the fans have these young ladies doubting their own looks.   Its a two way street folks. Not one side is innocent and not one side is guilty. Everyone on all sides even fans of the other girls have bashed, slammed and made fun of everyone on this show. The moms signed on for this so I could care less what anyone says about them but not one child has a choice.Neither girl can hardly be responsible for the actions of their fan bases, anymore than we can be responsible for when a maniac who goes out on a shooting spree and he turns out to be our neighbor. The only one whose actions we can control is our own. What action will you decide to take. Will you be the adult you are supposed to be or will always be a sad lonely troll sitting at home alone lashing out at innocent children?

Chloe Lukasiak Is Just A Normal Teen With A Giant Heart

FeaturedChloe Lukasiak Is Just A Normal Teen With A Giant Heart

Recently Chloe Lukasiak has been all the news because she won teen choice first ever choice dancer.  Then a week later won the industry favorite dancer 17 and under. Did she win these because she is the best dancer under 17? No Miss Sophia Lucia she did not. She won them because even though she left the show Dance Moms she remained humble and loyal to her following.  She has dedicated fans who wanted to know what was going on in her life and that she was OK after leaving the show. So she created a you tube channel where she post videos showing dance moves to encourage other young girls to dance, Shared a book of the month to encourage others to read along with her and share comments on the books and in general just showed herself being an ordinary kid living an ordinary life. Because of her popularity on you tube she is enjoying her second journey with Digi tour with kids her own age and just having fun being  a teen.  She is not missing school to do this as many are ranting about. You see that shows the haters are old grouchy people who don’t have  a clue its a Holiday week end and she is not missing School to do this. Hello Granny wake up it’s September already!!!!

Of course as soon as she won the haters say it was all pity votes. You know I have not seen one thing to pity Chloe Lukasiak for. She may have danced the black swan but this girl has blossomed into a beautiful swan before our very eyes. She reminds me so much of a young Jennifer Aniston I cant help but compare the two’s looks. Go ahead say Jennifer isn’t a knock out. The majority of the media will disagree with you.
The fact is Chloe’s dancing has progressed greatly since leaving the ALDC. She is a more polished dancer who is no longer afraid to show her emotions when she dances. You can see the second her mind turns off when she is on the floor and just becomes one with the music and looses herself completely to the dance.  That is not talent you can teach that is talent that is inborn.   And it is not talent every one will be able to see but someone who is trained will see it and that is what matters most when it comes to getting jobs.
Everyone was up in arms lately saying “Chloe said she was giving up dance to pursue other things like acting” No she did not say that. She said she was giving up competition dancing just like most girls her age do because once your a teen there is not that much to do in competition other than spend all day Saturday and Sunday at the event when you want so much to do other things and for what? A plastic trophy that wont matter when you go to audition for a dance job?
Choreographers hiring dancers could care less if you have won every thing you ever entered. Can you dance to what they want you to dance? Can you show the emotion they want to see? You can be a practiced competition dancer and walk into an audition and bore the socks off a choreographer with your dancing because you can not improv. You can not do spur of the moment dancing with learning a routine in ten minutes. You need hours and hours of practice to get it right. Sorry that wont happen in the real world. You have it or you do not have it and if you cant get it all on the stage the first try there are no second tries.  Chloe can do this. She is great at improv and putting her feelings on the floor.
Dance teachers across the country are building up students to believe they are the best dancer in their age group. They will be the star dancer in the future when in fact they are training more back up dancers than will ever be needed. Why because they never allow the student free time to dance what they feel with the music. Just get out on the floor and make up your routine as you go to what this piece of music says to you. They spend hours and hours drumming into their heads that they have to learn this dance step by step, tell them what facial expression to make with each move and when it comes time to just dance they cant do it.
Chloe made the right decision to leave this studio and show. She felt things she was not allowed to show because she was not the chosen star of the show. So she and others had to downplay their talents.  Look second best when they were not if you will.
Did Chloe win these awards because she is a better dancer? Partly. Yes, it was fan based voting and others did not have fans voting for them but that is in part their own fault because of the way they have acted superior and just plain entitled. “Well I am so and so I am expected to win.”  not really.  Your expected to love to dance. Really love it. Not love what your told to love but love what you feel in your heart. It shows on the stage when you have truly lost the drive to want to be the best dancer but continue because it is expected of you.  If you have not learned what you need to know at one studio to break out and be a better dancer then by all means you need to find another studio that can challenge you and bring out the best in you.
When summer break is on and everyone and their brother is giving intense camps do not be dancing every day in your own studio. Get out of there for the summer and take a class at each and every studio you can get to.  Learn to be yourself. Your current studio is not allowing that, you are being who and what they want you to be and Chloe realized this so she went where she could be free to dance what was in her heart and soul . By doing this she actually acquired more fans and more respect.
Lord knows its hard being a teen but Miss Lukasiak has managed to handle it all with dignity, charm and a humbleness you do not see in many her age these days. ( or many adults either for that matter) She does not make short videos of herself slamming herself for loosing something like a fan based contest.   She does not slam other contestants on social media saying the wins they get were handed to them and she would rather earn hers. She has earned them by being the girl you want to invite to your studio to speak to your students about not giving up. About how to carry yourself in a positive light and how to go after the things you truly love instead of being what others say you should be. But Most importantly Miss Lukasiak can teach others how to be true to themselves.
If she were invited on a national TV show to dance she would not have to run to the side of the stage to put on one shoe while the camera is on the other dancers but focused on her back the entire time struggling to put on a tap shoe so she can make her turns.  No she has those turned nailed already regardless of what shoe she is wearing. See there are some things most do not notice but those in the dance industry do not miss.  So when you brag and look Jealous of someone else’s fan base voting for them stop and ask yourself why you do not have the same fan base?

If you put on a positive front for others to admire regardless of what you are going through you have positive results come back to you.  If you are dedicated to showing your fans you are someone that future generations of dancers can look up to then you will increase your fan base. Positive brings positive to you the same as negative will bring negative to you.
I know for a fact had Chloe not won these awards she would have congratulated the winner and not said one negative word on social media or made fun of anyone else because that is the good person her parents raised her to be.
The best thing Chloe learned at ALDC was who she did not want to be. She will never say it but since leaving the show you see the beauty and grace that is only Chloe .  She is holding her head up high and sending loud and clear messages to those who beat her down that she is doing it on her own time in her own way and proving them all wrong.
Week after week you hear Miss Abby Lee Miller ranting about loyalty. Where is her loyalty to her own students. She pits her students against one another and then hand picks who can be whose best friend this season. Its insanity at its best and for the life of me I do not understand any mother being that loyal to a teacher that she comes before the welfare of their own child.   Your loyalty should never be with a studio owner. It should be to the child who wants to be a professional dancer. Its time to move on to someone who can make that happen. To the child who wants to be a professional singer. Hello, have you heard that auto tuned mess they are publishing. Get out and find someone who will tell you the truth. Either your child has the ability or they do not but stop paying this woman a percentage of yours and your child’s earnings if that is what is going on because she could give two figs about your child . She cares about the money and that is all. She cares about the fame your child is bringing her not themselves.
So haters keep on hating but  your putting your hate in the wrong basket. If you want to hate then go after the person who is holding back your favorite on the show not the one out there doing it all on her own without the connections that show has given to the others.  That is the one dancer you should be admiring the most. She is doing it on her own with the right agent and the right support of home, family and true fans.
She goes to normal school and has normal friends. Her friends could care less that she is semi famous they only care that she is a good person and a good friend who does not let fame go to her head. She appreciates the chances she gets and does age appropriate things to keep from soiling her reputation. She goes to events with kids her age not a pack of paid baby sitters who get a prepaid credit card to spend just for taking her to the mall for a few hours. No, Chloe is not the one who should be getting your pity here. She is the one you need to be watching because if your not one day you will wake up and say where did so and so go and how on earth did Chloe reach the top. She is reaching it by sheer determination and talent that is Chloe’s.

And please Chloe fans try to remember what you do is a reflection of her on social media. Keep it classy like Chloe is and stop accusing everyone of every thing under the sun. You have a falling out with some one deal with it in messages not post trying to divide her fans into sides. We are all adults here. I hope.  And Let Chloe keep having a normal life. She does not need to respond or post every single day to her true fans. She can do it once a week if that is all the time she has from her busy life to do it and we will still support her. But going on Social media demanding she post something is a good way to make her not want those fans following her.

Just enjoy what your favorite wants to share with you and do not encourage the press with all these false reports some of them are posting lately. Good lord they lurk in facebook groups and pick up rumors or something a fan says and the next thing you know it is in print as the gospel.  Just take each thing including this blog with a grain of salt for entertainment value. Not the gospel facts because none of us live with these girls or know what is really going on in their personal lives.
Be happy and share your happiness with others. Be negative? Please find a cave to dwell in there is way to much negativity in the world today and young children do not need it attached to them.