How can any adult ever hate a child so much that they deliberately hurt this child with abusive words day after day? What makes that adult tick? Any why on earth are a nation of people drawn to their TV sets every Tuesday night to watch it on Dance Moms?
Chloe Lukasiak suffered brutal treatment at the hands of Abby Lee Miller and yet Lifetime TV kept showing and we kept watching. Is this what our society has come to? Now we sit at home munching snacks and watch televised child abuse?
Don’t get me wrong. I was guilty too. At first.   But when Abby Lee Miller threw that chair with Paige Hyland near her that was my last show. Not completely. I taped it to watch Chloe dance because I loved this little girl and truthfully I feared for her too.  I was afraid Abby would become physically abusive to her.

When did the alleged dance teacher decide that she could not stand the sight of a child and would abuse her and the network decided to look the other way?  She says she punishes children because of the parents behavior. Well lets see Christi, Chloe’s mom, stood up for her child from Abby’s abuse so Abby punished the child more? No, I am sorry world this is not acceptable.    Chloe beats Maddie Zeigler at Nationals and all heck broke loose with tirade after tirade from Abby Lee Miller. She called the child a sneaky snake and liar. Is this because when it came time for Nationals Chloe danced and left her heart on that stage instead of faking a bad performance so Maddie could win again?  What happened because this is exactly when Abby became out of control. Don’t get me wrong she was bad before but her anger was not as bad towards Chloe until Chloe won Nationals beating Maddie. Seems the more Chloe won the worse she was treated.  I am sure I cant be the only viewer who noticed this.

But Abby from day one Picked on the Hyland girls.  She was verbally abusive to them, emotionally abusive and throwing that chair sure made it seem like physical abuse to me too. Anyone over the age of ten should know that anyone can and will change direction at a split second and not to throw anything in their vicinity. Abby uses the defense she threw it off to the side of the girl (Paige Hyland) But the tape clearly showed a scared and crying child who gives even more chance of in the confusion changing direction and being hit by a thrown chair. I still am in shock the producers did not end it all right then and there and fire her.  Yes, there is a law suite in place but for some reason Lifetime lawyers manage to keep getting these cases pushed years in advance. Come on its Pittsburg how busy is the court docket really?

Abby uses verbal insults to other dancers at competitions to upset other little girls so they wont dance well and her girls can beat them.  Telling mothers fix your child’s ears, she looks like a praying mantis, I am going to tell everyone just what a nasty little girl you are.  Why is this allowed? What has become of the dance world that she is even allowed in the doors of any reputable competition? Sure now most of the events are by invite only  put on to tape the show and if you look at the scores on line they will clearly show re taping times.  This is to re tape dances and awards ceremonies because when we see them getting first place wins on the show they did not always win. No folks this reality show is not real. Surprise!   They will show a favorite always winning first on TV when in fact its the furthest thing from the truth. The only time its true is when the entire judging panel is picked by the production crew and other kids get two seconds of a blip on screen to be there for taping. Fake.

But again I have to ask what draws people to watch someone they clearly see as a villain and hated person? Why is it ok to sit and watch children being ripped apart week after week?  Why does Lifetime TV feel a need to broadcast this at all. There used to be some pretty decent shows on this network and instead of them making this a positive show where its about the little dancers and showing the true talents of all the girls they focus on one child and mothers who for the life of me I would never consider role models to air for young girls to watch. Agreed the show started out being about “Dance Moms” But it rapidly became a child favorite where little kids wanted to be able to dance. They wanted to learn the steps and would watch hours of videos to try to learn them.   But it went South fast and you had drunken moms screaming and fighting, Happy hours times a million where the moms could never go out together without downing a few drinks (nice way to encourage kids its ok to be a drunk) Cursing like drunken sailors, Actual physical fights between the moms and one with Abby that really wasn’t much of  fight but still showed on air. Children’s friendships destroyed and ripped to pieces for ratings to the point that now the alleged star only has a friend riding her coat tail for publicity. Why didn’t they just make it The Real Housewives of Pittsburg? Because its basically a clone of those shows only they threw in child abuse.

Many post have been shared on Facebook from Pervert chat rooms talking about these innocent little girls.  The things they say will honestly make a normal person vomit.   Grown men talking about wanting to pop cherries, put their hands in little girls panties, loose interest in the dancer once she forms buds on her chest.  What is wrong with you people? Why are you broadcasting this for these men to enjoy little girls dancing in provocative costumes and always spread eagle to the camera for some of them?  Why are you broadcasting a show that tells children to not report being abused?  Why are you allowing this to continue and most importantly what makes people want to watch it?

Have people gotten so bored in life they enjoy watching little girls being sexualized?  Has our culture been trained to believe sex sells so much that this is normal now? For anyone who does not believe it can happen to these kids you need to check out this documentary Hollywood  Does not want out.
What is being covered up here? Why are these parents allowing their children to be mistreated this way? Is it because they themselves want to be on TV? Then get your own show and get your kids off it.

To better understand the abusive treatment of Abby Lee Miller her book tells it all. I am not encouraging anyone to buy it because I would rather discourage anyone from supporting her abuse in any fashion but I hear libraries are even stocking it. Talk about a reason to support banned books.  But instead of breaking the cycle that she thinks is perfectly normal she is continuing to abuse children right and left and people are glued to their sets to watch it. Wake up world. Child abuse is never acceptable.  NEVER.